inside audit

英 [ˌɪnˈsaɪd ˈɔːdɪt] 美 [ˌɪnˈsaɪd ˈɔːdɪt]

n.  内部审计



  1. In order to also record the items in the Content Store that are located inside individual users 'My Folders areas, this audit type should be used in conjunction with the Account Audit ( see above).
  2. Through the comparison of the differences and similarities between the outside audit and the inside audit, the author analyses the problems in the work of audit and discusses how to develop outside audit and inside audit in harmony.
  3. Research and Application of Bank Inside Audit System on SOA-Based Workflow Engine
  4. The activities of the high quality for the inside audit plays an important role in the existence and development of the business.
  5. On the foundation of making a detailed analysis of the problems of our privately managed enterprises 'inside audit, this paper has put forward some countermeasures from such angles as organization model, achievement assessment, regulation system and personnel quality.
  6. To find the countermeasure from the seasons, to improve auditor's quality, to standardize the audit behavior, to strengthen the construction of system, and to standardize the inside audit technologies, this text discusses the methods to control and improve the inside audit quality.
  7. The scale of the modern business is constantly enlarged, the competition among businesses is becoming more fierce, so the inside audit is becoming more important.
  8. Starting from the national conditions of China after entering the WTO, this paper puts forward the suggestion of strengthening the inside audit of enterprises.
  9. Suggestion of Developing the Inside Audit of Our Country's Enterprises
  10. Understanding correctly the inside contact among them can mostly increase audit efficiency and promote the development of audit cause.
  11. Talk about Laboratorial Management Review and Inside Audit
  12. Discuss the inside Audit Work of the University lightly
  13. How to Control and Improve the Inside Audit Quality
  14. The Inside Antinomy Needed to Handle During the Course of CPA Audit
  15. This paper analyzes the motive and purpose of inside audit of private businesses and puts forward the leading function of inside audit is economic evaluation, that is, service is leading.
  16. Discussion on How to Develop inside Audit under New Situation
  17. This system provides an inside reliable security audit environment for bank, bond department, insurance, government, corporation and so on.
  18. The inside audit of private businesses is the focus of current audit and business cycles.
  19. Focusing on the present situation of inside audit and the improvement measures, the article brings forward some views concerned.
  20. In the modern enterprise system, only to set up the corresponding inside audit pattern, inside audit can play the service role and realize its effects.
  21. Fully making the inside audit yield well is so especially necessary to keep the privately managed enterprises 'important status in our national economy.
  22. Inside Contact Among Finance Audit Result and Efficiency Audit and Economic Responsibility Audit
  23. As for the external audit, the integrity and security of data is the concern of website audit and authentication. Inside the enterprise, audit is an important department when we integrated the eB risk into the enterprise-wide Risk Management.
  24. Research on the Standard of ISO 19011:2002 in Certification Organization Inside Audit
  25. The audit inside an enterprise is an important part of the audit system and the foundation of the national audit.
  26. Our "inside audit" has experienced the change from socialist-planned economy to socialist-market economy since its beginning.
  27. After our country join the WTO, the financial industry opens outward completely, financial movement of inside the exterior environment took place huge variety, the finance audit also face many new circumstance, new problem.
  28. Chapter two introduces the basic theories of audit quality, and the inside and external factors that influences audit quality.
  29. All the aspects inside or outside the audit system try together to defend the economic and social system.
  30. For the financial controlling system, it should carry out the Financial Controller accreditation system, establish financial settlement center, and strengthen inside audit, perfect financial message reporting system.